cameroun tourism association
  la constitution

We the members of The Cameroon Tourism Association (CAMTOURA) In respect to the World Tourism Organisation (WTO), The Cameroon ministry of Tourism ( MINTOUR ) ,Tourism institutions and other affiliated organisations, gathered on the 30th of September, of the year of our Lord 2006 in Yaounde  to reassert the following:
     Considering the fact that for decades tourism industry growth has been a major contributor to the increased economic activity throughout the United States and the world.

    Taking into account that tourism though not well understood by most underdeveloped countries has created jobs in large and small communities and has proven to be a major industry in many places with reference to Kenya in Africa. 
      Firmly believing that through the direct, spontaneous and non-mediatized contacts, Tourism engenders between men and women of different cultures and life styles. Having in mind the promotion of a responsible, sustainable and nationally accessible tourism in the framework of the right of all persons to use the free time for leisure pursuit or travel with respect for the choices of the society of all people.
      Convinced of the fact that Cameroon, endowed with all characteristics that make a good tourist destination, which earned her the name “Africa in miniature and which unfortunately does not occupy the place reserve her by great tourism countries. 
      Committed to the ideas of the New Deal government, that of ensuring hat tourist should come and have the desire to come back “CAMTOURA” Cameroon Tourism Association stands with its own cornerstone in the errection of a Modern tourism industry in Cameroon. Mindful of law no 90/053 of 19/10/1990 stipulating on the liberty of association in appliance with the constitution of the Republic of Cameroon laying down conditions on the creation of associations.

       Mindful of the Global code of ethics for tourism adopted by resolution A/RES/406/(x111) at the 13th WTO assembly (Santiago, Chili, 27 September- 1October 1999)

       We here upon take the resolution to create an association called CAMEROON TOURISM ASSOCIATION (CAMTOURA) by so doing we hereby adopt the dispositions of this present Constitution. 


              CHAPTER І

Article 1: A group of Cameroonians have created an association named CAMEROON TOURISM ASSOCIATION, abbreviated “CAMTOURA”

Article 2
Section І: It’s a non governmental organisation for the promotion, organisation and sustainable management of Tourism in Cameroon.
Section ІІ: The Association is made up of Cameroonians of both sex, irrespective of age of religion or political learning.
Section ІІІ:

It is apolitical and non-profit making. Article 3: The head quarter is in Limbe-Cameroon and can be transferred anywhere in the National territory. This is done with a 2/3 approval of the General Assembly.
Article 4: Its ability to cover the national territory is envisaged. It is organised in regional network unit. Much focus will be put on touristically potential areas

Section І: indigenes constitute the regional network unit.
Section ІІ: The Network unit could extend it’s tentacles by creating representatives in the hinterland if need be.

Article 5: The association has set forth the following objectives:

Section І:

Economic Objectives •

Improve local economy
• Increase employment opportunities
• Improve public utilities infrastructure
• Create new business opportunities
• Increase opportunities of shopping.

Section ІІ:

Social Objectives

• Improve quality of life
• Facilitate meeting visitors(educational experience)
• Positive changes in values and customs
• Promote cultural exchange
• Preserve cultural identity of host population
• Increase demand for historical and cultural exhibits
• Create tolerance of social difference

Article 6:
These objectives are inscribed in an unlimited period of time



Article 7:

Section І:
Membership is opened to all Cameroonian of goodwill. Each member is entitled to a membership card and which shall be decided by the General Assembly (GA)

Section ІІ: Members shall all totally abide by the rules and regulations of the association.
Article 8:
Membership is lost when excluded, dead, or haven resigned

Article 9:
The association functions with three (03) basic organs:
• The General Assembly(GA)
• The Network Unit (NU)
• The Extended Network Unit (ENU)


Section І:
The General Assembly is made up of:
• Members of the Supervising Board (MSB)
• Members of the Network Unit (MNU)
• Members of the Extended Network Unit (MENU)

Section ІІ:
The General Assembly has the following duties:
• It defines and controls the general policy of the association
• It votes and amends the constitution or internal rules and regulations It evaluates activity report or the supervisory board

Article 10

Section І:
The General Assembly meets three times (03) in a year, seating in an ordinary session and at all times when the interest of the association demands an extra-ordinary session.

Section ІІ:
The time period of holding an ordinary session will be laid down by the general assembly.
Section ІІІ:
The Supervisory General convenes the General Assembly (GA)

Section ІV:
The convocation of the General Assembly is done by a notification letter sent to every member two weeks before meeting date with the following mentioned:
• Agenda
• Place
• Date
• Time

Article 11

Section І:
The Quorum for deliberation by the General Assembly is 2/3 majority vote, void of this condition a second meeting will be convened 48hours later, in respect of the rule inforce. In this case valid deliberation is taken into account by members present.

Section ІІ:
Voting modalities will be laid down by internal rules and regulations.

Article 12:
The Secretary General draws down the order of the day.

Article 13:
If the Supervisory general is not on seat, his assistant presides over the meeting. B) THE SUPERVISORY BOARD

Section І:

It is the executive organ of the association. It is made up of : • A Supervisor General
• An assistant Supervisor general in charge of research . • A Secretary General.
• A Financial Secretary.
• A treasurer. • And Advisory Council.

Article 14:


• He represents the association in all civil, economic and social matters. • He orders expenditures.
• He ensures a strict application of the general assembly resolutions.
• He presides over board meetings.
• He delegates his powers to members if deemed necessary


• He replaces the Supervisor General if the latter is absent.
• He carries out contacts and research.


• He ensures the administrative management of the supervisory board and the organisation.

• He writes down minutes from meetings and assemblies.


• He puts down in writing all the financial deals.


• He is responsible for the association’s Finances
• He ensures good disposal of the association’s Funds
• He is incharged with the collection of the association’s outstanding debts.


• It is made up of a technical crew.
• It gives consultative assistance to both the assembly and the Supervisory board.
• Each member is specialised on a given field.
• They may be as many as possible.


Article 15:

The association’s resources shall come from:
• Membership contributions
• Members constitution
• Bank deposit interest and dividends
• Loans
• Subventions
• Grants and Aids.
Article 16:

The Budgetary year of the association extends to the civil year.

Article 17:

The association’s funds will be deposited in a bank account and withdrawal is made with three signatories namely:

• Supervisor general

• Secretary General

• Treasurer.




Article 18:

Dissolution comes by, on decision of the Judicial or administrative authority in respect of the articles provided by the legislation that be or by the decision of the general assembly In case of objective deviation

Article 19:

The vote by the General assembly is valid when a quorum of 2/3 majority is attained.

Article 20: I

n case of dissolution, the General assembly takes charge of the escheat of the assets; priority is given to social works



Article 21:

The internal rules and regulations content is of no precise useful disposition in this present constitution .which shall be subjected to amendment if deemed necessary.

Article 22:

The present constitution will take effect prior to it’s adoption by the general assembly. Done in Limbe 30th September 2006. MINUTES OF THE MEETING CREATING CAMEROON TOURISM ASSOCIATION (CAMTOURA) The idea of creating CAMTOURA emerged from the fact that much dust has been raised on Tourism in Cameroon which according to recent happenings and speeches mostly that made recently by His Excellency president Paul Biya which shows show n inadequate development of our tourism industry which in other areas constitute the bedrock of countries economies. On the 5th of Septempter 2006 in Limbe, the beautiful petroleum city, the two of us Mr Yuni Tar and Mr Yuyun Eric gathered other members and in a session the issue on tourism was raised. Attendance was encouraging and the debate heated the air, many contribution were made and at the end commissions which had to look at the set up such as the organigram ,job description , and the laying down of it’s governing laws , as such 3 commissions where put place namely , the constitutional commission headed by Yuni tar Christian ,the commission had mission the coherently putting in place ideas developed by the assembly so that the preamble should clearly portray “the raison d’etre” of this association, the next commission was headed by chin Samuel ,it had as mission the drawing up of an organigram in which job description will be well elaborated the third commission was headed by Boshu Johnson and kassingong Monday it’s duty was the creation the association’s logo and letter head. What followed next on the agenda was the putting in place of management under the appellation provisional supervisory board that will ensure the day to day busness the association and ensure that every decision taken by the general assembly must be applied to the letter , the members were as follows; Yuni Tar Christian was designated as the supervisor ,Ericy Yuyun as the assistant supervisor, chin Samuel as the secretary general, Anuafor Asongwe as the financial secretary; The meeting ended at 8pm with a carry forward of activities for the 15th of September when by the constitution, the association’s logo and letter head will be debated and approved also on that day it was decided that a commission will be formed which will take care of the internal rules and regulations,

Secretary Supervisor General

Done in Limbe 5th september

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